
Locus Robotics: Locus Vector and Locus Max AMR

Locus Robotics is the world’s leading enterprise-level, warehouse automation solution, incorporating powerful and intelligent, AI-driven autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) that operate collaboratively with human workers to dramatically improve product movement and productivity 2–3X....
Locus Robotics Company Profile

Automated Mobile Robots (AMR) for large and heavy payloads.

Automated Mobile Robots (AMR) for large and heavy payloads.

As an AMR lineup expansion, Locus Vector and Locus Max can be used for a variety of warehouse use cases, from case picking, e-commerce and pallet picking, to situations that require large or heavy payloads, supporting an array of product movement requirements.

LocusBots are AMRs completely integrated within LocusOne, an intelligent, multi-bot warehouse orchestration platform. Locus Vector, an industrial-strength AMR, can be used for roles like fulfillment, putaway and transport, while Locus Max offers a heavyweight payload capacity, enabling them to transport several heavy cartons, materials and pallets.

Locus Vector can be used for any type of environment, whereas Locus Max is primarily ideal for industrial and materials handling applications.

Company Product Description

Locus Max
Locus Max is the heavyweight, autonomous mobile robot (AMR) specifically designed for safe, autonomous transportation of large and heavy payloads throughout your facility. Featuring an industrial strength chassis, Locus Max’s 3,000 lbs. carrying capacity and omnidirectional mobility enables astonishingly smooth and nimble movement of your heaviest materials.

Locus Vector
Locus Vector is the innovative, flexible, autonomous mobile robot (AMR) specially designed for high-productivity material handling and logistics applications. Built with an industrial strength chassis, omnidirectional mobility, and compact design, Locus Vector can be deployed in a wide range of environments, tackling a variety of material handling tasks.