
2024 Lift Truck Acquisition & Usage Study

Unlock valuable insights with Modern Materials Handling's comprehensive 32-page report on Lift Truck Acquisition & Usage, based on a survey of material handling decision makers—download your free copy now!

Unlock valuable insights with Modern Materials Handling's comprehensive 32-page report on Lift Truck Acquisition & Usage, based on a survey of material handling decision makers—download your free copy now!

Modern Materials Handling is proud to release this comprehensive, 32-page report covering Lift Truck Acquisition & Usage based on a recently completed survey of material handling decision makers.

Download the free report featuring all of the survey data including:

  • Lift trucks in use and planned for acquisition
  • Lift truck acquisition
  • Impact the economy has on lift truck acquisitions
  • Lift truck maintenance arrangements and parts procurement
  • Use of technology for managing lift truck fleet
  • Respondent demographics